An educational companion to find a meaningful path

Propose an expedition


An educational companion

to practice inventing a better world

A place to gather

around the causes you care about

Giving the initiative back to the younger generation

MyRoad is a pedagogical companion that allows students to value their activities and commitments during their studies.

Just like the journeys of initiation of the Tour de France companions, it is during the expeditions, educational journeys marked out by stages, that the young person will progress and enrich his experience.

At the heart of the program: awareness and mobilization of skills, putting knowledge into practice, the possibility of putting into action one's commitments, alone or with civil society actors met along the way... Students who reinvent sustainable forms of living together on a daily basis see their actions taken into account: volunteer work, associative life, entrepreneurship or more personal forms of commitment.
Propose an expedition

Expeditions: structuring routes with unlimited ambition

Depending on his objectives and his roadmap, the student has access to a library of expeditions. Some will be assigned by their educational institution and included in their curriculum.
Others, proposed by civil society actors, will respond to their commitments.

Finally, the student can freely propose expeditions that correspond to his or her personal ambitions and aspirations.

Examples of expeditions set up by the educational institution:
- Find an internship
- Build a civic path
- Spend a semester abroad
- Create an entrepreneurial project

Examples of expeditions created with civil society actors
Volunteer with jeveuxaider.gouv
- Creating an eco-responsible project on campus
- Going on a humanitarian mission

Examples of expeditions that meet personal aspirations
- My creation of a new student association
- My search for a company with impact
- My civic service project
- My commitment to animal welfare
- My thesis project on this subject that I am passionate about

Come and find out more here:

Mentoring by professionals committed to ecological and societal transformation

A call for contributions to co-design original educational experiences

My Road is committed