An alarming fact

A planet on its last legs

Due to climate change "39% of young people are reluctant to have children

Young people not well accompanied

69% of students hear very little or nothing about ecological transition

An unequal society

The 22 richest men in the world own more than all African women

To orientate oneself well is to choose
the world in which one lives

We urgently need to reinvent ourselves, to relearn how to produce,
how to consume, but also how to work and learn.

Education is a trump card in the ecological and societal transition
and guidance must serve life projects and aspirations.

We believe that places of training, more than just vectors of knowledge,
must encourage and value commitments. ‍
we want to contribute to:

> Giving the initiative back to the younger generations

> Inspiring each other

> Accelerating the ecological and societal transformation

An educational companion that allows you to find a meaningful path

Mentoring by professionals committed to ecological and societal transformation

A call for contributions to co-design original educational experiences

Free service

for high school, university and professional students and will remain so

Ethical data

where each individual experience is a possible route to others

Current causes

that support ecological and societal transformation


based on feedback from employment and training stakeholders

Join the initiatives, drive your own

Students, high school students & professionals

Find your way through your school's network

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Colleges & Universities

Make your institution an agent of change

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Use MyRoad in the classroom

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